YCN is a worldwide network of youth film festivals, organisations and film & media educators.

We share knowledge, best practice and information 

  • by managing a database of film & media educators and festivals

  • by hosting an annual conference for the members

  • by identifying funding trends and opportunities

  • by enabling partnerships and collaborations

  • by publishing news and research online

We advocate for Youth Cinema internationally 

  • by stimulating intercultural dialogue

  • by interpreting EU legislation

  • by creating international strategies

  • by presenting local best practice globally and vice versa

We support distribution of films made by young people

  • by sharing the films from the member festivals and organisations

We promote and develop film & media education and culture 

  • by sharing and exploring new and creative learning approaches

  • by organizing events and workshops dedicated to young filmmakers and film & media educators

We celebrate excellence among emerging filmmakers

  • by hosting the annual Youth Cinema Network Award

The Organisation

YCN is organized as a network. Membership is non-formal and is confirmed by an annual membership fee. The fee covers the expenses for the website and administrative expenses.

Members meet online once every three months and in-person once a year. The general assembly of the members takes place at different locations and is usually attached to a festival event of a network member. The present members decide on the main lines of the network. The report of the meeting is sent to all members and published online.

The YCN has two administrative managers: Marija Ratković Vidaković (film producer, director and teacher from Croatia, living and working in Sweden, one of the founding members) and Antonio Britvar (multimedia engineer, producer and educator from Croatia) who convene the meetings, coordinate information and manage the membership. Further tasks are distributed throughout the year to various members on a voluntary basis.

Marija Ratković Vidaković (marijaratkovic(@) gmail.com)
Antonio Britvar (antonio.britvar(@) gmail.com)